Categories: Data Collection

Female doctor using technological device. Background shows dots and lines to represent connected data.

Unlocking the Power of AI: The Vital Role of Structured Reporting

We all know the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”; yet, in specific fields, one thousand words are simply too many and can potentially…

Several juxtaposed images of different patients with different responses to the cancer treatment

Study with mint Lesion™ compares the Efficacy of SIRT and CS-PHP in Uveal Melanoma with Hepatic Metastasis

A study conducted by researchers at University Hospital Tuebingen retrospectively compared two liver-targeted therapies for uveal melanoma patients…

Study Analyzing the Tumor Growth Rate as a Prognostic Biomarker in Lymphoma Patients Under CAR T-Cell Therapy

University Hospital Munich (LMU): Study Analyzing the Tumor Growth Rate as a Prognostic Biomarker in Lymphoma Patients Under CAR T-Cell Therapy

A recent study[1] conducted by researchers at the University Hospital Munich (LMU) investigated the role of tumor growth rate (TGR) in predicting the…

A picture of radiologists looking at a screen showing the restaging of the HNSCC

Study Highlights the Potential of Radiomics in Medical Intervention

A recent study conducted by the Medical University of Innsbruck highlights the potential of radiomics in exploring the impacts of Radiochemotherapy…

Medical University of Innsbruck: Radiomic Assessment of Radiation-Induced Alterations of Skeletal Muscle Composition in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma within the Currently Clinically Defined Optimal Time Window for Salvage Surgery

This study [1] aimed to examine tissue changes in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) after primary radiochemotherapy (RCT)…

University Hospital Jena: Research Investigating the Viability of Accelerating Whole-Body MRI in Children and Adolescents through STIR DWI with Simultaneous Multi-Slice Excitation

This study[1] addressed the challenges of conducting WB-MRI in paediatric patients, particularly the prolonged acquisition time required for…

A doctor pushes a lying patient into the LDCT device

Early lung cancer detection through LDCT screening as a potential way to improve patient outcomes in Germany

The establishment of a nation-wide lung cancer screening program in Germany has been a subject of considerable interest and debate among healthcare…

A group of people standing together, looking up at the camera. The picture says: Together we're making an impact.

RACOON FHIR Workshop: Empowering Healthcare Research via Enhanced Interoperability

This week Brainlab hosted the RACOON FHIR Workshop with around 40 participants. The workshop was organized by Mint Medical and supported by Snke OS,…

A radiologist edits a structured report in mint Lesion™

AI in Radiology: Bridging the Gap Between Integration Challenges and Untapped Potential

The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on the field of radiology has substantially increased in the last years. Today, AI can be applied to…