Categories: Clinical Routine

Female doctor using technological device. Background shows dots and lines to represent connected data.

Unlocking the Power of AI: The Vital Role of Structured Reporting

We all know the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”; yet, in specific fields, one thousand words are simply too many and can potentially…

Doctor looking at a CT scan in mint Lesion™

Software-Assisted CT Assessment Outperforms Manual Methods in Oncology Study

A recent study conducted at UKE Hamburg compared manual and software-assisted assessments of computed tomography (CT) scans according to iRECIST…

Diagram that shows reduced reading times for the mint Lesion™ approach at both follow-ups.

UKE Hamburg: Study Shows that Software-Assisted Assessments Enhance iRECIST Evaluation

This research study [1] aimed to compare the feasibility and reliability of manual versus software-assisted assessments of computed tomography (CT)…

A picture of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Persigehl next to a quote on the importance of mint Lesion™ for radCIO

Challenges and Opportunities of Setting Up a Comprehensive Oncological Imaging Database

In an exclusive interview with Prof. Dr. Thorsten Persigehl, a leading expert in Oncological Imaging, we delved into the transformative radCIO project…

Interview with Prof. Thorsten Persigehl on the radCIO in Cologne

Structured data in radiology is crucial for accurate diagnoses and treatment planning and serves as the basis for detailed clinical practice and…

Several juxtaposed images of different patients with different responses to the cancer treatment

Study with mint Lesion™ compares the Efficacy of SIRT and CS-PHP in Uveal Melanoma with Hepatic Metastasis

A study conducted by researchers at University Hospital Tuebingen retrospectively compared two liver-targeted therapies for uveal melanoma patients…

A person looking at MRI and CT scans on a  computer

Study Discovers Overdiagnosis of Progressive Cancer in Routine Clinical Evaluations

A recent retrospective study led by Dr. Marilyn J. Siegel and her team at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has shed light on…

Prof. Frauenfelder and Mr. Steffen Rupp happy about extention of mint Lesion use in University Hospital Zürich

Transforming Oncology Patient Care

Innovative Approach to Structured Routine Reporting with mint Lesion at the University Hospital Zurich Heidelberg, DE, 05/09/2023 - Mint Medical…

University Hospital Jena: Research Investigating the Viability of Accelerating Whole-Body MRI in Children and Adolescents through STIR DWI with Simultaneous Multi-Slice Excitation

This study[1] addressed the challenges of conducting WB-MRI in paediatric patients, particularly the prolonged acquisition time required for…