Categories: RACOON

A group of people standing together, looking up at the camera. The picture says: Together we're making an impact.

RACOON FHIR Workshop: Empowering Healthcare Research via Enhanced Interoperability

This week Brainlab hosted the RACOON FHIR Workshop with around 40 participants. The workshop was organized by Mint Medical and supported by Snke OS,…

Happy New Year 2023

2022 has been an exciting year with accomplishments we can be proud of. We have grown both as a team and as a business and set new strategic…

Radiological Cooperative Network (RACOON)

RACOON - What's Next?

Since mid-2020, mint Lesion™ has been successfully used within the Radiological Cooperative Network (RACOON), in the University Medicine Network which…

RACOON: A revolutionary project with all German university hospitals in the University Medicine Network (NUM)

The idea of aggregating clinical data from different sources, processing it in a structured way and using it for joint research may not be new, but…